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Kaiser Permanente
Rosemary Phu

Rosemary Phu

2016-2017 NCAL Fellow Harvard University Master of Public Health

Rachel Shangraw

Rachel Reader

2016-2017 NCAL Fellow University of Washington Master of Health Administration

Hanson Jordan

Jordan Hanson

2016-2017 NCAL Fellow Ohio State University Master of Health Administration

Kvale Chris

Christopher Kvale

2016-2017 NCAL Fellow Ohio State University Master of Health Administration

Sarah Lahidji

Sarah Lahidji

2015-2016 NCAL Fellow University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Master of Health Administration

Rachna Desai

Rachna Desai

2014-2016 SCAL Fellow University of Pittsburgh Master of Business Administration, Master of Health Administration

Natalie Lin

Natalie Lin

2014-2016 SCAL Fellow University of Michigan Master of Health Services Administration

Lucy Hong

Lucy Hong

2015-2016 SCAL Fellow Johns Hopkins University Master of Science Nursing

Nate Kent

Kent (KC) Nate

2015-2016 NCAL Fellow University of Minnesota Master of Healthcare Administration

Kelsey Lynch

Kelsey Lynch

2014-2016 SCAL Fellow Rush University Medical Center Master of Science, Health Systems Management

Jyoti Mishra

Jyoti Mishra

2014-2016 SCAL Fellow University of Minnesota Master of Health Administration

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